Backdrop for a Summer Party #1

More Works By Aron Hill Acrylic and Ink on Canvas 2023
40.25 × 57 in 102.24 × 144.78 cm

About Backdrop for a Summer Party #1

For Aron Hill the world is full of colour—bold, vivid colour. The Calgary born artist has often favoured an imaginative colour palette as it accentuates the expressive but minimalist form found in their work. The simple, dynamic shapes of this composition almost appear in ‘conversation.’ Hill’s signature yellow sun draws the eye. Rendered in red, orange, indigo blue, neon pink and white Hill also includes chocolate brown and black—a subtle departure. Calligraphic lines in neon float across the canvas. Several of the forms are transparent; some have shadows—an intriguing detail. One of a series.

“Whether you like Matisse or not, the interest in pure colour has always held fascination.” Aron Hill

They obtained a BFA in Interdisciplinary Studies from the Alberta College of Art and Design and their MFA from Goldsmiths College, University of London in 2006. They have exhibited across Canada and in Dubai. Hill’s work is held in private and corporate collections.