Born in Norway in 1961 to glass artists Alasdair and Rish Gordon, Eileen was inspired to work with glass. After completing a broad glassmaking education in the UK, which she coupled with subsequent work experience and further study, Eileen joined her family and emigrated to Australia. The early 80s was a progressive era for the Studio Movement and glass experimentation in Australia, and Eileen spent a further three years studying at the Jam Factory Craft & Design in Adelaide. She went on to help establish the Tasmanian Glassblowers where she met Grant, who was managing a farm nearby. After gaining more experience overseas, Eileen returned to Australia. In 1990, Eileen and Grant set up the Gordon Studio Glassblowers in Numurkah, Victoria. The studio is now at home in Red Hill, in the heart of the Mornington Peninsula. Eileen’s pieces reflect her understanding of the difficult medium; they are skillfully crafted and yet deceptively simple. They show her love of nature and elegant forms, allowing light to give life to colour.