Dark Forest

More Works By Peter Hoffer Mixed Media on Panel
24 × 72 in 60.96 × 182.88 cm
25.75 × 73.75 in 65.41 × 187.33 cm

About Dark Forest

Dense spring forest with saplings in whites, reds and browns coalesce at the centre of the panel with foreground of concentrated vegetation. The artist's skilled rendering reminiscent of the landscapes of Lorraine or Constable is covered with layers of varnish, a practice of the 18th and 19th Parisien Salons. Not tied to place or time, the painting that is now more object d'art than mimetic landscape evokes nostalgia for classical, romantic forms and periods.

Peter Hoffer obtained a MFA from Concordia University in Montréal, degrees from the University of Guelph, Ontario, and the Ontario College of Art in Toronto. He now lives in Berlin.