Andrew Lui

17 May 2014 — 16 June 2014

Andrew Lui's new paintings continue in his Pilgrim Progress series, where he explores the idea of "self-inflicted happiness" as a deliberate response to the melancholy and complexity of life. An original and creative response to the confrontation between eastern and western aesthetics, Lui's paintings crackle with energy, portraying what critic Dorota Kozinska describes as "a landscape marked by both suffering and ecstasy, infused with a profound understanding of the human experience." Opening reception with the artist, Saturday May 17, 3-6pm. In a rare public appearance, Andrew Lui will speak about his life and work on Sunday, May 18, at 3:00pm.

Andrew Lui


  • Andrew Lui's new paintings continue to explore the idea of
    Cantabile IX Andrew Lui Sold
  • Entanglement II
    Entanglement II Andrew Lui Sold
  • Lui's new paintings continue to explore the idea of
    Masquerade I Andrew Lui Sold
  • Brushed swaths of mauve, pink, violet, turquoise and deep yellow intersect with vigorous lines in grey and black to form a dynamic abstract …
    Theodora and Justinian V Andrew Lui Sold