Negotiating Diaspora: From The Personal To The Universal

5 March 2021 — 18 April 2021

This grouping of artists presents a multi-vocal mosaic of spaces that are at once deeply personal and at the same time reflective of universal lived experience. While distinct in their subject matter and form, what draws these artists together are the prevalent universal themes of migration, spirituality, socio-politics, and landscape. And through these themes, these artists undertake a forensic examination of difference as they negotiate change and parlay it into compelling aesthetic form. The art in this exhibition is powerful. Featured artists are WW Hung, Shireen Kamran, Chung-Im Kim, Andrew Lui, Viktor Mitic, Shani Mootoo, Derya Ozparlak, Ivo Stoyanov, Catherine Vamvakas Lay, and Dmitry Yuzefovich. A close examination of difference, often and surprisingly, will reveal similarity. In this exhibition the notion of universal is reconciled with the notion of difference. In the high modern era of abstract expressionism that aimed toward the universal, difference was excluded, the hand of the artist erased. Here it is not. This exhibition draws attention to the value of the unique visual vocabulary of each artist and reveals that difference is universal, that personal is universal. Exhibition Description PDF. 
