Outdoor Garden Exhibition 2024
1 May 2024 — 31 December 2024The garden boasts over 30 new sculptures this year. To enhance the experience for visitors, sculpture details and video stories can be easily accessed using a cell phone and clicking on QR codes located on outdoor sculpture signs.
Artists exhibiting this year are:
Ania Biczysko, BARKAS, Alex Caldwell, David Chamberlain, Nicholas Crombach, Shayne Dark, Stephan Duerst, Dale Dunning, Paul Duval, Clarke Ellis, Floyd Elzinga, Marie-Ève Fréchette, Jeremy Freiburger and Adam Monture, Tonya Hart, Ryan Van Der Hout, Melissa Joakim, Rob Lorenson, Fraser Radford, Jeff Gillmor, Jake Goertzen, William Greaves, Jeremy Guy, Marlene Hilton Moore, Jason Kimes, Stephane Langlois, Rob Lorenson, Colm MacCool, Jean-Francois Maheux and Nadia Mercier, Terence McGlade, Cynthia McQuillan, Claude Millette, Tristan Laflamme-Millette, Viktor Mitic, Jean-Pierre Morin, Charles Pachter, Philippe Pallafray, David Perrett, Laurence Petit, Susan Rankin, Julia Reimer, Michael Salisbury, Dave Sheridan, P. Roch Smith, Galina Stetco, Cheryl Wilson Smith, Natsuki Takauji, Eric Tardif, Rocco Turino, Alice Vander Vennen, Ulysses Veloso.
Artwork from the Sculpture Garden has been acquired for private gardens, institutions, golf courses, condos, public parks and botanical gardens. From Sarasota to Sri Lanka, the gallery has shipped work of all sizes and weights all over the globe.
Albus No 1 Viktor Mitic $30,000
Reflection Mike Hansel $75,000 USD
Les Paravents Du Reve Marcel Barbeau $130,000
The Portal: World We See 3/5 Jeff Gillmor $50,000
A Cappella David Chamberlain $115,000 USD
Six Rings Jake Goertzen $42,500
Tangled Column Red Shayne Dark $110,000
Chant Marlene Hilton Moore $18,000
Murmur Marlene Hilton Moore $20,000
Sing Marlene Hilton Moore $13,000
Whisper Marlene Hilton Moore $22,000
Action Ryan Van Der Hout $7,700
Tilted Orange Shayne Dark $55,000
Entangled Rambling Blue Shayne Dark $55,000
Earthshine Tonya Hart $24,000
Fragment- Gold Plated Stainless Steel Viktor Mitic $37,000
AmaGon Puigcat $45,000
Climbing Ivy Kevin Robb $32,000 USD
XOXOX Rob Lorenson $70,000 USD
Bewitched Stephane Langlois $30,000
Corpheum XIX Claude Millette $45,000
Turbulence No 2 Terence McGlade $35,000
Blue Princess Rob Lorenson $27,000 USD
Log Cabin Alexander Caldwell $55,000
Aqua Jah Qube $27,000
Terra Jah Qube $27,000
Aero Jah Qube $27,000
Heartland V2 Viktor Mitic $105,000
Le Cube Philippe Pallafray $28,000
Creator Galina Stetco $25,000
A Shift in Perspective Cheryl Wilson Smith $22,000
Cumulus VI Revisited Ania Biczysko $19,500
Moose Plunge (large) Charles Pachter $25,000
Collusion Mike Hansel $45,000 USD
Kinship P. Roch Smith $19,000
See the World Marie-Ève Fréchette $35,000
Construction and Movement Eric Tardif $22,000
WAVES Jean-Pierre Morin, RCA $55,000
Platonic Solid Goes Digital Jake Goertzen $34,000
Cones 690 Jean-Pierre Morin, RCA $80,000
Territorial Bird Ania Biczysko $18,000
Universal Stopper 2023 Floyd Elzinga $45,000
An accumulation of experiences P. Roch Smith $9,500
Triangle Stephane Langlois $18,000
Aquagraphie Variation 2 Philippe Pallafray $26,000
Segment Floyd Elzinga $25,000
Silent Web of Thoughts Marlene Hilton Moore $9,000
Inside My Skin Marlene Hilton Moore $9,000
Macaw Nicholas Crombach $34,000
Odyssey Dale Dunning $24,500
Aquagraphie V3 Philippe Pallafray $26,000
Bravado II R. Clarke Ellis $4,500
Jump R. Clarke Ellis $3,500
Looking at You, Looking at Me, Looking at You R. Clarke Ellis $8,000
Singing Bowl Cerulean Sky Large Marlene Hilton Moore $22,000
Singing Bowl Cerulean Sky Medium Marlene Hilton Moore $16,000
Singing Bowl Mercury Marlene Hilton Moore $7,500
Cumulus III Ania Biczysko $19,500
Silent Marlene Hilton Moore $12,000
Dance Alice Vander Vennen $13,000
Aftershock Colm MacCool $5,000
Corpheum XVIII Claude Millette $19,500
Pression Paul Duval $26,000
Corpheum V Claude Millette $20,000
Bear Adam Monture & Jeremy Freiburger $24,000
Philosopher's Stone Jah Qube $32,000
Reflections on Water Susan Rankin $16,000
Champagne Afternoon Susan Rankin $12,000
Expansion Claude Millette $17,000
Window II Natsuki Takauji $85,000
Looking Ryan Van Der Hout $26,300
Mirror Mirror Ryan Van Der Hout $21,300
Slender Stephane Langlois $19,500
Singing Bowl Atlantic Blue Marlene Hilton Moore $22,000
Singing Bowl Quetzal Green Marlene Hilton Moore $22,000
Singing Bowl Red Raspberry Marlene Hilton Moore $16,000
Chroma Tower No 1 Ryan Van Der Hout $14,500
Chroma Tower No 2 Ryan Van Der Hout $10,200
Lodge Pole Fire Cone 23-022 Floyd Elzinga $9,500
Mecanique Celeste 7/10 Philippe Pallafray $20,000
Corpheum XVII Claude Millette $19,500
Deer Adam Monture & Jeremy Freiburger $12,000
Desequilibre Paul Duval $26,000
Facetime R. Clarke Ellis $12,000
Glance Dance III R. Clarke Ellis $15,000
Umbra Transit Lux Manet AP Melissa Joakim $8,000
Prehension Claude Millette $26,500
Silver Maple (Large) Dale Dunning $87,000
The Contour of Balance P. Roch Smith $9,800
Generation Stephane Langlois $28,000
Just Breathe Barkas $36,000
Parallax Series - Occluder Rocco Turino $22,500
After Rain Philippe Pallafray $28,000
Ghost Dance R. Clarke Ellis $4,900
X-Y R. Clarke Ellis $4,900
Circle Dance Jake Goertzen $21,000
Discus Cynthia McQuillan $32,000
Confession Natsuki Takauji $10,000
Mach I Jake Goertzen $21,000
Time Like Droplets Marlene Hilton Moore $9,000
Woven So Tightly Marlene Hilton Moore $9,000
Large Outdoor Vessel No 1 Bill Greaves $2,000
2020 R. Clarke Ellis $5,500
Winter Light Susan Rankin $12,000
Rencontre Claude Millette $35,000
Geyser Bernard Hamel $18,500
Equilibre Carré Paul Duval $24,000
Festive Laurence Petit $18,000
Equilibre Oblique 1/10 Philippe Pallafray $42,000
Bonfire AP/20 Ulysses Veloso $28,000
Athabasca Philippe Pallafray $29,000
Public Phone Mike Salisbury $10,000
Deep Blue P. Roch Smith $11,000
Le Capteur Claude Millette $21,500
The Sun - Energy of Life Ania Biczysko $17,000
Waiting for Spring Susan Rankin $16,000
Vulture I Nicholas Crombach $19,000
Vulture II Nicholas Crombach $19,000
Pine Cone 24-240 Floyd Elzinga $30,000
Early Summer Susan Rankin $24,000
Interloper R. Clarke Ellis Sold
Ascension 3/5 Dave Sheridan Sold
Inside/Out Dale Dunning Sold
"Immigrant" Galina Stetco Sold
Warm Glow Susan Rankin Sold
Chromatica Ryan Van Der Hout Sold
Trajectoire No 7 Claude Millette Sold
Fire Cone 22-684 Floyd Elzinga Sold
Fire Cone 22-671 Floyd Elzinga Sold
Pine Cone 23-254 Floyd Elzinga Sold
Heron Adam Monture & Jeremy Freiburger Sold
Bloodvein Monolith David Perrett Sold
Pointing Figure Homage to Giacometti R. Clarke Ellis Sold
The Beauty of Change Eric Tardif Sold
Ascent P. Roch Smith Sold
Champagne Afternoon Susan Rankin Sold
Divergence Claude Millette Sold
Fenêtre Sur Le Monde Tristan Laflamme-Millette Sold
Vista P. Roch Smith Sold
Classic Cone 23-062 Floyd Elzinga Sold
Classic Cone 24-239 Floyd Elzinga Sold
Pine Cone 23-653 Floyd Elzinga Sold
Pine Cone 24-257 Floyd Elzinga Sold
Wanderer P. Roch Smith Sold