Ryan Van Der Hout at the Robert McLaughlin Gallery

RV ASUnCame 22x22 art Large

"Ryan Van Der Hout: Dark Waters" continues until September 23, 2018, at the Robert McLaughlin Gallery in Oshawa. Curated by Linda Jansma the show highlights the global concerns about access to clean, adequate water.

Jansma writes:

"Dark Waters is a series of images of water, clouds and deserts looking at our culpability in commodifying and altering nature. Using a laser cutter, Van Der Hout burns holes into the photograph, allowing certain portions of the image to remain and others to fall away. He is interested in how far he can destroy the physical structure of the photograph before it falls apart." 


Image: Ryan Van Der Hout, A Sun Came, 22 x 22 inches, laser cut plexiglass, black and white photo