Marsh Verge

More Works By Brent McIntosh Acrylic on Canvas
87 × 182 in 220.98 × 462.28 cm
88.5 × 183.5 in 224.79 × 466.09 cm

About Marsh Verge

Valued for his exceptional sense of colour, Canadian painter Brent McIntosh has spent thirty years perfecting his expressive art. Known best for his large landscapes, this wildly colourful painting captures nature’s glory in a marsh setting. The vivid palette—highly detailed layers of colour in rich blues, purple, greens, orange, yellow, turquoise, black and white adds incredible depth and texture to the grasses, water, trees and sky.

“Each colour behaves relative to those surrounding it. They must be arranged so as to allow them to vibrate and activate each other while maintaining structural accuracy. Balancing the colours throughout the image without stagnating, acidifying, or flattening the painting is a consuming portion of the process.”
Brent McIntosh

Brent McIntosh was born in 1959 in Montreal, Quebec. He earned both his BFA and his MFA at York University, Toronto. He has exhibited throughout Canada, in Europe and in the USA. His work can be found in numerous corporate and private collections in Canada. The Art Gallery of Ontario and the Art Gallery of Alberta, among others, have also acquired his paintings.