
More Works By Mike Hansel Stainless Steel 2006
276 × 144 × 120 in 701.04 × 365.76 × 304.8 cm 1400 lbs
$75,000 USD

About Reflection

The stunning contemporary monumental sculptures of Mike Hansel have been exhibited and admired in public venues throughout the United States. The American artist has spent more than thirty years as a visual arts educator while pursuing his own artistic practice.
The fluid form of this powerful piece, its arched tubular shape forged from stainless steel, was influenced by the dynamic presence of the ocean near Hansel’s home in Rhode Island. He credits the exposure to the ‘beaches, boats and fishing industry’ and an appreciation for the ‘weightless, buoyant quality of marine life’ as inspiration for his own artistic vision. Hansel’s distinctive work juxtaposes organic form with industrial materials in new and unexpected ways. The artist makes no attempt to hide the method of fabricating this piece as the welded seams are clearly visible. The steel is highly polished to produce a reflective quality that mirrors the surrounding landscape.

“The title, "reflection" suggests a dual meaning. While the physical aspect of stainless steel provides a lively surface that reflects light, the abstract form presents a thought-provoking fusion of contradicting attributes. Dynamic qualities such as soft/hard, lively/static, organic/mechanical, are ideas that the viewer is invited to reflect upon.” Mike Hansel

Mike Hansel obtained a Bachelor of Fine Art at the University of Cincinnati in Ohio and completed his Master’s in Fine Art at the University of Pennsylvania. He owns his own sculpture and metal furnishings business in Rhode Island, U.S.A. and teaches design and sculpture at numerous schools in the area.
He has participated in dozens of exhibitions and completed many public art installations in the U.S.