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David Perrett is a Hamilton based sculptor with a passion for tactile methods of working materials. Growing up in Winnipeg, David spent years in the city during the winter-months and spring/ summers exploring the Canadian Shield by canoe. This duality fostered a deep desire to join his disparate material worlds together through art making. He works in a variety of classical and contemporary sculpting processes, integrating stone, metal, wood, and electronics into elegant objects with a polished aesthetic. David holds a BFA from University of Manitoba, and an MFA from York University.
"The world is full of curiosities that I find by searching out arresting moments in the materials and objects that I come across. The vibrancy of objects generates a refocusing of my attention steering me to a deeper exploration of my experience of things and places looking for the root of what drew me to them. I am often attracted to materials and objects because they interact with associations that I am carrying from past experiences, the way they re-order the story of my sensory existence in unexpected ways. Sculpture provides me the framework to find wonder in the tangible elements of the world, to touch and manipulate the stuff of the universe, and to share my wonder with a broader public."-David Perrett