New This Year: Oeno Gallery's Sculpture Garden 2023 Exhibition Features Sculptures That Light Up at Night!

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Oeno Gallery proudly presents a collection of outdoor works that light up at night as part of our 2023 Sculpture Garden Exhibition. These sculptures are part of the 30 new sculptures that the Oeno team has installed in the garden this year. All works in the Sculpture Garden are for sale. We work with clients in many parts of the world and have proven, trusted partners who support the logistics, brokerage and insurance aspects of delivering valuable paintings and sculptures.


The Woodlands

These sculptures from the Woodlands project come alive at night with LED lighting that can be programmed remotely to display a wide variety of colours. The Woodlands project was first installed in Hamilton as part of the city’s Winterfest celebration and were created by Adam Monture and Jeremy Freiburger. 

Bear, Adam Monture and Jeremy Freiburger, Aluminum, 76 × 120 × 9.5 

Adam Monture’s beautiful paintings of woodland animals—deer, bears, wolves, turtles, loons and herons were re-imagined as 3-dimensional sculptures hand forged from aluminum by Jeremy Freiburger.


Bloodvein Monolith

David Perrett created this elegant modern monolith from a single block of Tyndall stone. Tyndall, the only Canadian stone designated as a Global Heritage Stone Resource, is used in numerous grand buildings such as the Canadian Parliament and the Canadian Museum of History. Its distinctive gray markings on a creamy polished base frame a winding ‘river’ of blue glass (on both sides) that is lit from within by LED lights. This piece is named for the Bloodvein River—a UN World Heritage site known for its petroglyphs and rock paintings which runs from Red Lake in Ontario to Lake Winnipeg in Manitoba. Perrett’s work expertly marries technology and nature.

Cones 690

The pleasing organic shape of this grand and gorgeous sculpture by Jean-Pierre Morin is accentuated by the choice of material — highly polished aluminum cubes. Our team wanted to share a display of ‘Cones 690’ lit up at night to demonstrate its versatility. Lighting can be customized and our team will be happy to work with interested buyers on lighting options. Contact the gallery today at 613-393-2216.